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These daysSDGs Sustainable Development Goals 》We would like to consciously participate in social activities that have become a hot topic. 

☆ What are SDGs Sustainable Development Goals ☆

United Nations member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by General Assembly resolution A/RES/70/1 on 25 September 2015. The resolution aims to achieve these 17 goals by 2030, ending poverty in all its forms, combating inequality and tackling climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind. be.

We aim to achieve the above goals through cooperation, support, and improvement in order to solve the many problems of concern on earth.

Each of the 17 goals has detailed targets, which total 169 items!

Initiatives at our company ☆

A global response is necessary.There are many large-scale goals and targets, and to be honest, there are almost no areas where our company can directly participate and be involved on a large scale...

The reason for this is that each goal is set to solve very large problems that arise due to the complex interaction of a wide range of issues such as human rights, poverty, food, economy, global environment, and ecosystems.

In our daily lives, it is difficult to clearly realize and understand the problems listed in each goal.

​However, all the issues presented are by no means someone else's problem.

There are many targets that we can tackle in our daily lives.​​


Based on these, we first《SDGs》We are educating and informing all employees about all 169 targets out of the 17 goals set in 2017.

Just by looking at all the targets, you can grasp the current situation of concern around the world/earth.It's definitely a good opportunity.

I think you will be able to recognize issues that you may not have had the opportunity to be aware of because they are not familiar to you.

《SDGs》In addition to our employees, we want as many people as possible to take an interest in this, deepen their understanding, and become as aware of the various issues facing the Earth as possible.

We believe that increasing such opportunities will help us achieve our goals.


《SDGs》We will link PDF documents related to the 17 items listed at the bottom of this page.

When you say there are 169 items, it may seem like a lot, but that is not the case.

In the document linked below, each target is summarized in a few lines, making it easy to understand the goal.


Please take a look《SDGs》We hope that you will understand this movement.

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